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Who are we ?

Hi guys, we are really glad that you visited our blog - Happylittlereptiles! If you are our fans on                    or just random people whi stumbled upon this site, either way we hope that you’re going to like our blog. So why did we decided to establish our blog? For what reason? The reason is fairly simple, there’s plenty of question concearning breeding animals and other specific question. Sometimes, it gets a bit difficult to answer all of the asked question therefore, it is easier for us to summarize all our knowledge and sort of expertise about breeding these beatiful creatures and put them into one place – our blog. If we were to introduce ourselves shortly we would say this: we are young and wuick witted people who love animals but also enjoy our comfort and shopping at ikea. Our main objective is to expand the basic knowledge about reptiles and try to answer all of your questions. Many times, these questions itself may improve your animals’ quality of living.

"Nic nečiní člověka lidštějším,  než láska ke zvířatům " - — Henry Fielding



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