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Is a crested gecko a good pet?

Crested Geckos make very good pets because they are extremely hardy, easy to keep and handle, and come in many different beautiful colors and patterns. They are nocturnal and will spend most of the day sleeping. Once awake in the evening they are very entertaining.


Do crested geckos bite?

Crested geckos are animals that generally won't resort to biting unless they feel threatened. ... The crested gecko bite can be compared to a fish bite that feels weird but doesn't hurt or cause bleeding. Crested geckos are really friendly and docile pets


Do crested geckos smell bad?

Crested geckos do not smell. ... Instead, it is poorly maintained tanks that are the reasoning behind this stinky smell. Failure to clean out fecal matter, uneaten food and other matter found within the tank can lead to a bad stench.


What is a crested geckos favorite food?

As a treat, provide a variety of insects, including gut-loaded (recently fed) crickets, mealworms and waxworms. Sweet baby foods, such as peach, banana or apricot can be mixed with the crested gecko diet and offered as a treat.


How long does a crested gecko live for?

15 to 20 years

All in all, they are relatively low maintenance pets. The one thing that most crested gecko owners don't realize is that when you take care of these animals they can live 15 to 20 years. An animal that lives 15-20 years will be with you for a lot of changes in your life.


Why are crested geckos so expensive?

Crested geckos vary in price for a number of reasons. Generally, reptiles (and other exotic pets) are priced depending on their rarity and scarcity in the marketplace. Many reptiles are very challenging to keep. Some animals may take a long time to mature, may be difficult to breed, or have few offspring.


Can Crested Geckos swim?

Crested geckos, like all lizards, are able to swim as an instinctive ability. They will only swim in cases where there is no other option. Swimming is a stressful activity for crested geckos and won't like it. ... A crested gecko is used to humidity but isn't used to get in a body of water.


How often should I clean crested gecko tank?

Monthly cleaning

A more thorough or deep cleaning should be done at least once a month. This monthly cleaning will consist of cleaning and disinfecting the enclosure (tank, cage, terrarium), its decorations, the food and water bowls


Do crested geckos get cold?

Between 70 and 80 degrees is the preferred range for night and day temperatures. ... Heat is important to all reptiles, as they are ectothermic or “cold blooded”. Their blood isn't really cold, but it does mean that they require external heat to aid digestion.


How often does a crested gecko poop?

How often crested geckos poop will depend on what, how much they eat and what age they are. For example, baby crested geckos can eat and poop daily (or even few times a day), juveniles will poop 4-7 times a week, and adults – 3-4 times a week



Do Crested Geckos need live food?

If your crested gecko eats commercial food, he does not need live insects, although you can add them as occasional treat foods. If a gecko does not consume commercial food, he might need dietary supplements in conjunction with his other foods.


Can I feed my crested gecko dead crickets?

Alive or dead? If you don't like to have living crickets around, you could also try feeding freeze-dried crickets or canned crickets. You obviously can't gut-load them as they're not alive but you can still dust them. It's possible that your crested gecko won't eat these because they aren't alive


Do Crested Geckos have salmonella?

Crested geckos are popular pet lizards that come in a variety of colors. Contact with reptiles can be a source of human Salmonella infections. Reptiles can be carrying Salmonella bacteria but appear healthy and clean and show no signs of illness.



Why does my crested gecko lick me?

It is absolutely typical of your crested gecko to lick around; this is a sign of its curiosity instincts in action. At the same time, it is really not a sign of love or affection – which you may perceive when it licks you.


Can Crested Geckos eat honey?

Treats are fine to offer crested geckos who otherwise eat a commercial diet, and many enjoy the variety it offers. Proper crested gecko treats include fruits high in calcium, the Hilde Diet, a drop of honey (warning: pure sugar!) and dusted insects. Treats should not make up more than 10%-15% of your gecko's diet.


How far can a crested gecko jump?

Takes a lot to fill. But you're right, they climb generally up as high as 10 feet in the wild, so there's no worry about the height of the terrarium unless it's pretty empty. Both cresties and gargs can usually handle large leaps/falls without issue. Physically, they're designed to be able to do so.


Can crested geckos see color?

In fact, the eyes of geckos are about 350 times more light-sensitive than the eyes of humans. Unlike humans, crested geckos are able to distinguish colors even at low light. ... This gecko has the ability to distinguish blue from grey patterns at a light intensity that's similar to dim moonlight.


Why is my crested gecko turning white?

Color change due to shedding

Crested geckos, like other reptiles, shed their old skin and replace it with new skin. A few days before the shedding starts you'll notice that your crestie becomes greyer or even turn pale. This is absolutely normal and no reason to become concerned.



Do crested geckos need a water bowl?

Crested Geckos should have a water bowl in their cage but their cage should be misted twice a day as they will happily lick water off leaves, branches, etc



How long can crested geckos go without food?

three weeks

Crested Gecko not eating: how long can a Crested Gecko go without eating? Crested Geckos can go without eating for two or even three weeks. You should consider contacting a vet after the second week



Do crested geckos drop their tails easily?

Crested geckos lose their tail quite easily and will not grow it back. Tail loss can be caused by situations of (extreme) stress, when the crested gecko feels threatened, or when grabbed wrongly by its tail. A crested gecko without a tail can still live a happy and long life.


What time do crested geckos wake up?

A crested gecko will usually sleep about 12 hours during the day and will wake up a few hours after dusk and stay up until dawn or early morning. Some crested geckos will sleep a little more or less.








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